Check back here from time to time. This repeater is still growing. The coverage has
expanded considerably since it's start. The RC210 allows for both the IRLP node and
weather radio to operate at the same time. Weather alerts for the repeater coverage
area are now transmitted using SAME technology. There are still some more projects
planned to make this repeater even better.
Owner: John Ruiz - N8JPR
Callsign: N8JPR
Frequency: 223.920 TX / 222.320 RX
CTCSS: 94.8
Location: Moline, MI
Controller: Arcom RC210
Receiver: Repeater Builders Modified Micor
Exciter/Amplifier: Repeater Builders Modified Micor
Power Output: 35 watts
Duplexer: TXRX 4 Cavity
Antenna: Comerical 220mhz antenna at 350ft
IRLP: #4167
EchoLink: #313649
IRLP node currently replacing weather radio.
Other Info: Has weather radio on the controller and alerts for warnings.
Also can be turned on recieve for general weather forcast.
Repeater Commands:
Echo check is 46
To activate the weather radio is 991
To turn it off is 991
N8JPR coverage map (click for larger image)