From time to time I change the first paragraph on the website to
reveal some details about projects that we are up to. Sometimes
people find what I write amusing, so I have decided to start copying
that information here for those who wish to somewhat follow the
flow of how some projects go. Just like everyone else we have our
problems too. Sometimes how we resolve those problems is amazing,
sometimes it is just blind luck, and sometimes it is downright
funny. So, below you will find paragraphs that have been removed
from the main webpage and have been archived here to aide you in
your sadistic pleasures.
NEW UPDATES 02/21/11
The time has come for me to post information about Hamvention 2014 and
the presence of many WMPORN friends and family.
Once again we will be located at booths FW2530 - FW2534. You will note that the numbers
for the spots are clearly marked on at least half a dozen different locations in the
fleamarket, and you will need to count from there to figure it out. Of course this
year there will be a major change as I no longer have the little red wagon (AKA my
Mercury Villager Van) as I found it necessary to replace it with a white one. The
little red wagon was actually three different vehicles, two of them being identical
We welcome everyone to stop by the booth. Many of the group will be in and out, but
we always have plenty of chairs and something to drink. Due to circumstances beyond
our control however you will need to make other arrangements for use of the restrooms.
If you have something to sell, feel free to bring it along. The only thing we ask is
that you donate a portion of the proceeds to help defray our costs.
We also plan to have a repeater available for use during the open hours of the
flea market. The repeater output is on 927.9875 with the input on 902.9875 using
a CTCS of 131.8. We also sometimes use the output of the repeater on simplex for
some local communication. We also sometimes use 442.175 (the output of the K8SN
repeater in the Grand Rapids area) as simplex with a tone of 103.5 to accomodate
communicaiton among ourselves while enganed in the Hamvention experience.
Please notice that if I am able I will be posting updates to the website with some
pictures to the Dayton 2014 blog.
In the event that we have snow, a "we're at the motel" NET may be established on
either the repeater or one of the simplex frequencies listed abov, by the LAZES
coordinator. Please see your hotel clerk for "check in" information.
With that said, we must once again issue this disclaimer. WMPORN is not responsible
for injuries caused by ROFLing, loss of vocal ability due to excessive talking (rare
at ham radio events due to refined practice except for those Morse code guys), lack
of sleep, sore muscles, hunger, or offended olfactory senses or irritation caused
by uncooperative people. WMPORN is also not responsible for frostbite, sunburn, or
chafing due to wet clothing (whatever may apply).
As always, we come to the more serious part where we hope that everyone has as much
fun as we will have. Stay safe and of course stop by to see us.
You can read a little bit about a WMPORN Dayton trip by clicking here.
Things are well underway for Dayton Hamvention 2012, and as usual
the gang from WMPORN will be there. You will notice that I have added a link over
to the left hand side for Dayton 2012
where I have started the blog for this years event.
Once again we are making ready all of the things that we need to create our
little space in the fleamarket for Hamvention 2012. Were making a list, checking
it twice... oh wait, wrong holiday. We are making our lists though, trying to
make sure that we have everything that we want to bring along. Every year it
never fails, something gets left behind, or something isn't the way we expected,
yet we still manage to get on with having a good time.
Most of the group will be leaving sometime during the day on Thursday May 17, and
traveling to Hara Arena where we will have a preliminary setup party to get things
in order for Friday when the opening bell rings. Yes, I said opening bell. Wall
street knows nothing when a bunch of old hams get together to start doing their
Now, where was I, oh yes, members of the group will be leaving at various times
on Thursday and arriving in Dayton. Many of us will meet up at the our flea market
site to start preparing the WMPORN Marketing Facility for use. Just how much we do
depends on what the weather is doing (as well as how hungry tired and cranky I am
as well). The remainder of the preparations will happen Friday morning during a time
that is normally reserved for deep REM sleep (don't know what that is?
Wikipedia does, ask them).
Once again we will be located at booths FW2530 - FW2534. You will note that the numbers
for the spots are clearly marked on at least half a dozen different locations in the
fleamarket, and you will need to count from there to figure it out. Another possible
way is to spot the little red wagon (AKA my red minivan) and the WMPORN banner (unless
once again removed by an over zealous scurity guard who should know better). Please note
that I was told there would be a new banner this year, but I do not know the status
on that particular item at this time.
For those of you wishing to join us, please feel free. We usually have extra chairs
and something to drink. If you need to sell an item you may do so, all we ask is that
you donate for the table space. WMPORN is not supported by outside donations, and all
costs are obsorbed by those who participate. We are quite generous, however a small donation
does help defray the costs of bringing more fun to one place than to which any ham has a right.
Finally an update on our website! Now that spring is here ...
what's that you say .. crap, it's snowing again..
Anyway, having to replace all of my computers that had
the software that I have used to manage this and other sites
for years within the last two months, little has been done
about updating anything on the website since I have to do it
the hard way. Not that I am incapable of doing that, I'm just
lazy and like the other way better. I have new software that
will work with Windows 7 I just have to get it installed and
working the way I want it to work.
A few things have been happening over the winter months that are
proving to be exiting. Driven by some form of craziness, Work
has continued to work on the linking projects. A new repeater has
been installed to the North and hopefully we will have some information
about it on here soon. That repeater has been linked back to 442.175
(The K8SN repeater) to the South and as the bugs get worked out
allows use of features on both repeaters from either repeater.
Also now running and continuing to get the bugs worked out is yet
another linking project that is doing the unthinkable. From early on
some of us talked about the possibilities of being able to link the
DStar system with the analog repeaters. This is not as easy as it
sounds since unlike conventional analog repeaters there is no place
on the repeater to extract audio. Well, ok, there is, but the audio
you would hear is the GMSK audio signal and all you would hear is
something like the sound of rushing water. That is because the repeater
does not recover the encoded audio and repeat it, it simply passes the
digital bits along from RX to TX. That means we have to have a place
to send the audio that it can be converted to and from digital/analog
in order to cross those borders. Mike has continued to stay in touch
with those people and work on making that happen. At this time he is
showing much success, so don't be surprised if you hear the K8SN repeater
(including IRLP) audio playing out the speaker of your UHF DStar radio.
In other news, the N8JPR repeater has been outfitted with an auto patch.
Why would anyone do that now days? It's simple, not everyone carries a
cell phone, and considering the recent performance of Sprint in the
Grand Rapids and Western Michigan markets, it may also be for those
who carry cellular telephones but just can't get a channel to place
a call out.
Finally, in new news is something sounding more like spring weather.
The orders have been placed and verified for the WMPORN Hamvention
Playland. Yes, once again the WMPORN group will be attending Hamvention
2011 and taking over the real estate known as booths 2530 - 2534. We do
not have a confirmation if Larry will be providing entertainment for us
this year, but as always we make it a point to be sure that "nobody has
more fun than us".
1.2GHz Radiation Report
We are happy to report that WX8GRR D-Star repeater has a new
addition. Finally, after allot of time waiting and delays the
Triplexer arrived on Wednesday May 12th. "Why is that so significant"
you ask? Well let me tell you. In the year 2010 (remember when that
year sounded so futuristic?) May 12th is the day before many of us
pack up and leave for Dayton. Being one of the group, naturally I
had everything packed up and ready on Tuesday allowing me many
hours to install the new triplexer (!NOT!). Oh no, as usual on
Wednesday evening I cut out of work early and got started packing
the van with everything I could cram into it. Finally loaded at
about 2:30am I desperately worked my way toward my bed so that
I would not start the weekend off badly. With all of that, I had
to wave goodbye to my chances to pick up the triplexer until I got
back from Hamvention.
Finally on Tuesday I picked up the triplexer and spent the rest of the
week trying to catch up on work at my job. Finally things worked out for
me to go to the tower site on Sunday afternoon where I discovered that
the cables I had for connecting the triplexer were all about 30 inches
too short. Well, with some creative bumblefutzing and a stroke of luck
I was able to connect all the ports.
In case you are wondering what a Triplexer is, it is the creative
genius of someone at TX/RX that is part duplexer part combiner/multicoupler
and allows both the 1296 Voice and Data modules on the D-Star repeater to
use a single antenna, and at 490 feet up the tower with 1.825" hardline topped
off by a $800 Hustler 9db gain antenna that means a huge savings over using
separate antennas.
For our friends who have 1296 D-Star capabilities, here is the information
that you will need to program your radio with.
DV RX 1272.5000 (your radio transmits here)
DV TX 1284.5000 (your radio receives here)
DD 1298.5000 (Data TX & RX)
The module for Voice is A with module B being UHF and module C being VHF.
If your counting a little bit slow the simple entry for your voice
radio is 1284.5000 - (12MHz offset) "WX8GRR A"
Since none of us here locally have really worked with setting up the
DD mode (digital data) we don't have all the answers about setup. This
is the part where how you set your terminals up in your registration
becomes even more critical. There is some information out there that is
available about the DD mode, but we will be learning more in the near
future and will of course post that information here. I suspect about
the third time we change it on this website it will be correct.
Now, about that radiation report. John N8EOD had his ID-1 installed already
and went out to his car a few minutes after I called him and said he was able
to bring the repeater up, and that it was full scale sitting in his driveway
at about 19 air miles. Mike also had his ID-1 installed in his vehicle
and tested from as far South as Martin with no problems. At this point I am
going to quit writing, and quit working on the repeater because I seriously
need to get to installing my ID-1 in my van. More radiation reporting to come
in the next installment of "This is your repeater on P.O.R.N".
W8DFG Silent Key (February 25, 1948 - April 13, 2011)
This update is one of sadness, Dennis Gaboury, W8DFG became
a silent key on Wednesday April 13, 20011. Dennis will be
remembered for years to come for his service to the amateur
radio community, both in his local community and club as well
as for his participation in the Michigan Amateur Repeater
Council (MARC) as a past officer and current President.
The news I have at this time is somewhat slim, however it seems
that he fell victim to an uncontrollable infection that spread
from an abscessed tooth.
Visitation will be on Sunday, April 17, 2011 from 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
Will & Schwarzkoff Funeral Home
233 Northbound Gratiot
Mt. Clemens, MI (586)468-4509
A Sad Day For Ham Radio
Ray Abraczinskas (Abe, W8HVG)
funeral arrangements
have been posted.
I haven't been updating this site all that much lately thanks to
a number of factors. Unfortunately today (November 9, 2010) I am updating
to bring the sad news of the passing of one of Michigan's pioneering forces
in repeaters. Following a long term of illness Ray Abraczinskas (Abe) W8HVG
passed away. At this time I have no other details, but he certainly will
be missed by many. If your looking for something to do, read his short
biography on
Wind 'em up and move 'em out! It's that time of year again when many
West Michigan hams (and others too) head for Dayton Ohio, to attend
Hamvention. For those who are not aware, Hamvention is the largest
radio and electronics show in the US geared toward amateur radio.
As we have done for the last several years, we will have the portable
repeater in the fleamarket on 927.9875 131.8Hz CTCSS with a -25MHz
offset. If you don't have equipment to use that band stop in to say
hi to us anyway.
If time permits I will update the Dayton 2010 page as I am able.
1.2GHz almost ready
Hamvention time is approaching rapidly and most of the plans are
laid out and organized (if you believe that come and see me at
hamvention, I have a bridge to sell you) for another year. This
year we will be expanding just a bit to accomodate our growing
crowd. This year WMPORN will occupy spaces 2530 2531 2532 2533
and 2534. Yes, that's right, we are going for 5 spaces this year.
Our plan is to have a new talking point this year by having the
1.2GHz D-Star modules active and on the air. This has been a long
time coming and thousands of dollars in the works. Very few groups
in Michigan are using 1.2GHz right now, and we know why. It's expensive
to do it correctly. For those who have and ID-1 and want to get their
radio programed in anticipation here is the frequencies that the
triplexer is being tuned for.
DV RX 1272.5000 (your radio transmits here)
DV TX 1284.5000 (your radio receives here)
DD 1298.5000 (Data TX & RX)
The module for Voice is A with module B being UHF and module C being VHF.
If your counting a little bit slow the simple entry for your voice
radio is 1284.5000 - (12MHz offset) "WX8GRR A"
Since none of us here locally have really worked with setting up the
DD mode (digital data) we don't have all the answers about setup. This
is the part where how you set your terminals up in your registration
becomes even more critical. There is some information out there that is
available about the DD mode, but we will be learning more in the near
future and will of course post that information here. I suspect about
the third time we change it on this website it will be correct.
442.175 Looses Smoke!
Just in time for the start of the spring thunderstorm season, the
442.175 repeater became the first victim of the season. After spending
a better part of the morning relaying Space Shuttle audio, the repeater
fell silent. Emergency technicians were sent to the site as soon as
possible where they found the exciter cold and unresponsive.
After being transported to a proper repair facility it was determined
that the exciter had lost it's smoke due to a leak in single 2N3904. A
replacement transistor was found and installed and the radio was then
recharged with smoke in the early evening hours on Tuesday.
As a reminder to all hams, this is the time of year when we once
again must be aware of the dangers of thunderstorms and the lightning
strikes that frequently cause structural failure of electronic components,
allowing the smoke to leak from devices. Replacing the components and
smoke can be costly, so it is always a good idea to protect your smoke!
Please keep in mind that after April 31 2010 you will not be able to
resmoke your radios in most public places in Michigan thanks to the new
anti-smoking laws. It is now more important than ever to keep that smoke
inside the radios to avoid these inconveniances.
HAMVENTION is coming
January's frigid and cold temperatures tend to keep us all
inside where it is warm where our thoughts turn to better days
ahead and hopes of a pleasant ham vacation in May to Dayton, OH
to attend the Dayton Hamvention. In my 18 Years of attending Hamvention,
I have experienced most all types of weather from Rain to wind to
snow and I have returned home with a bad sunburn as well, but I have
never failed to have fun.
Well, it's time to start thinking Hamvention again. I need to know
who is planning to go. Ok, I really don't need a list of all of the
people who plan to attend, but I do need to know who plans to go down
as a part of the West Michigan Privately Owned Repeater Network group
so that I can appropriate the proper amount of resources such as the
coveted flea-market vendor pass. Of course these tickets come with
a price, you get to help pay for the flea-market spaces.
Bottom line planning is this. Before the end of February I will place
the order. They will charge my account at this time. Once I get the
tickets they will be distributed on a first pay first served basis.
Sorry no advanced sales.
Offer void where prohibated by law. This offer may not apply to
family members of WMPORN employees. Bribes will be tolerated and most likely
accepted. Lodging and transportation not included. Children under the age of
12 must accompany an adult. Long haired Freaky People need not apply. All
disclaimers not listed here shall apply as needed. This is the "fine print",
and it's good that it is "fine" because otherwise it's too darn small to read.
If you have read this far you really need a winter break. Not responsible for
overspending, credit card overload, divorces, illness or any other negative
result as a result of attending this event.
442.175 In Recovery!
The K8SN 442.175 Repeater has returned to the air. After
showing no signs of life for more than a year the repeater
has returned to the air.
Currently the repeater is still being reworked and not all
of the pieces have come together yet, however the machine is
useable and on the air. The repeater still makes use of many
of the same parts, however a drastic reconfiguration was needed
to fit into one rack cabinet. Currently the reciever is showing
signs of excellent coverage and is connected to the antenna that
should remain as the main RX antenna. The transmitter however
is operating from only 60' above ground level.
We are still in need of a combiner port to get the repeater transmitter
running on the main TX antenna that is intended. Donations are being
accepted by contacting any of the WMPORN repeater owners. An estimated
coverage are map can be found here.
224.760 Returns to the Air!
Yes, after being silenced nearly a year ago as an indirect victim of the
Aeromed helicopter crash the K8SN 224.760 repeater is back on the air.
Having been one of the oldest 220MHz repeaters in the area, we vowed to
bring it back. That day has come, and we are all celebrating it's return
to the air. The selected site still offers us excellent downtown coverage, with
reasonable wide area coverage as well, much like it's former home.
Special thanks to Rob Gage N8WKN who climbed the tower and hung the new antenna
and others who helped with this task. Though all of the work was not done in
one day, I will only say "stairs were involved" and we owe another special note
of thanks to some of friends from the Kalamazoo area for their assistance.
The 442.175 repeater is up next and is nearing completion. Some rearrangements
are needed to fit the repeater to the new site that has been selected. Preliminary
calculations indicated that we should easily attain a 10% to 12% increase in
coverage. Naturally we will be happy when this project is complete. At this
time donations are being accepted to offset the costs of the modifications and
retrofitting with new filtering that will be needed.
More PORN Happenings in West Michigan
These last few weeks have been very busy for many of us. Several
exciting and new things are on the horizon as time and funding
will allow.
The 1.2GHz antenna for DStar is now located at 490' on the tower
and is connected to 1 5/8" Andrews feedline. We are still waiting
for the Triplexer to place the full 3 band multi-mode DStar
stack into full operation. The new power supply is on hand and
is awaiting installation as is a new external power amplifier for
the VHF module. This amplifier has been tested and will put out
70 watts from 5 watts in quite easily. This should reduce the effects
of the RX outperfoming the TX on the VHF module. Hopefully we can
start increasing the operation of UHF next.
The K8SN repeater has been in the "mod" shop for a few months since
we had to remove it from it's former home when the tower was taken down,
and has been moved to it's new home. We are still missing one important
piece of hardware at that site, and hope to have it soon. This will
put the 442.175 repeater back on the air with increased coverage. We
suspect coverage to the North and East to remain about the same with increased
coverage to the South and West.
The 224.760 repeater that lost it's home as well has been relocated to it's
new home. The anticipated coverage is somewhat similar to what it was prior
to this move. Currently no additional changes to this repeater are planed.
This repeater is only a couple of hours worth of work away from returning to
the air.
Also Mike W. And I have spent alot of time to bring a very unique feature
to the WMPORN repeaters, and we are very close. After much head scratching
and late nights, we have determined that the networking equipment that is
being used for the DStar repeater may have a problem within the firmware that
was causing the problem that we were experiencing. I have secured all new
networking equipment to replace the current Cisco 2620 router and 2912 XL
switch. Other equipment at the site is also changing and we are reasonably
sure that after all the equipment is changed we will have a brand new and
very unique feature to announce that will help promote and bring additional
activity to Grand Rapids repeaters.
Stay tuned to this channel for more information on 1.2GHz frequencies and
the current status of the PORN Repeaters.
N8JPR Repeater Returns To Service
The N8JPR Repeater on 223.920 has returned to the air. After being
damaged recently during a West Michigan thunderstorm, the repeater
power amplifier was repaired and returned to service. While repairs
were being made, we also upgraded the power supply and added PL tone
to the transmitter.
The output PL is the same as the input at 94.8 hertz as is commonly
used in West Michigan. This tone can be controlled right from the
Arcom controller and can be turned on and off at will. This allows
the tone to be turned off or on at certain times so for example if
the tome were turned off after 10pm one could leave their radio on
all night without hearing any activity, but if a weather alert came
on, the tone would be turned on and the weather alert would come through.
Hopefully there was no other damage that we have not repaired, but
of course we will need to know if you have found performance losses
since the repair.
The Future on 1.2GHz
Dayton Hamvention 2009 is now but a memory as summer moves on here in West Michigan.
As always we had a good time, sold our junk, bought other peoples junk and came
home tired, but with new ideas for the future.
Though it is not a new idea, I purchased and ID1 DStar radio while in Dayton. For
nearly two years our 1.2GHz equipment has remained idle sitting in the rack with
the UHF and VHF repeaters that were put on the air when the system first went up.
I also talked with the representative from Hustler about their antenna's, and it
seemed that finally I had found an antenna that would work for 1.2GHz and would also
meet the requirements for the tower site. Shortly after Hamvention I made some phone
calls and oredered that antenna.
The new antenna has arrived. This is a big step toward getting the 1.2GHz stuff
on the air. Now we have to wait until someone is going to climb the tower so that
we can share costs and get the antenna mounted on the tower. The feedline is already
in place and runs to 490' on the 525' tower. This will allow us to start using
the Digital Data module immediately when this antenna is in place. Funding has
been appropriated and we expect to order the triplexer from TX-RX soon. The triplexer
will allow us to operate both Digital Data and Digital Voice over the same antenna.
Honestly, the cost of the triplexer is higher than the cost for the antenna, but
not having a second run of 1.625" coax up the tower is a huge cost savings.
Currently the DStar repeater gateway is running some experimental software. This software
has some incompatabilites with the software that was used for repeater and reflector linking.
The new software however allows us the ability to connect to experimental reflectors where
we are now able to cross link with not only other DStar repeaters, but also those running
IRLP and Allstar.
We are also looking toward finishing the modifications to the 442.175 repeater and
returning it to the air. We still need a few more pieces for everything to work and
are looking forward to the day when we place it back on the air.
WMPORN Makes Pop-Comm
This month WMPORN gets a mention in Popular Communications Magazine.
The article, found on page 20 of the November 2008 issue is about D-STAR and what it
is all about.
How did WMPORN make it into Pop-Comm? Well, it all started when Jason Togyer, KB3CNM
took notice of our novel ideas to make our booth stand out at the Dayton Hamvention.
The approach that we took caught many looks during the event, but one of those lookers
was Jason, who had been issued a directive to do a story about D-Star. There were lots
of things at Dayton about D-Star, but those were the vendors booths, and we were not
selling D-Star, just promoting it in a way that people would stop by our booth to talk
to us about it. Jason, was one of those people and when he came up to talk I was at
the booth.
Jason asked a few quesitons and then asked if he could contact me later in the summer
as he worked on this article. Of course I replied "sure" and we exchanged contact information.
Some time later Jason called me on the phone and asked a whole lot more questions and
it seems he was armed with alot more knowledge than he was at Dayton. To shortcut to the
end and try to keep this piece shorter than Jason's article I will just say "the rest is
history" and you can find the first mention of WMPORN in a national magazine (that we know
about) in the November 2008 issue of Popular Communications.
WMPORN has once again gone to Dayton to Hamvention 2009. Everyone
had more fun than should be alowed and all returned back to West
Michigan with treasures of all sorts. Some pictures and comentary
can be viewed by looking at the Dayton 2009 web page.
2 WMPORN Repeaters Off the Air
It finally happened. On Sunday November 2 2008 a group of 6 people met
at Spectrum Health to remove all of the WMPORN repeaters belonging to
Sam K8SN. Both the 442.175 and 224.760 repeaters have lost their home
of more than 15 years.
The 224.760 repeater was moved into the "new" radio room right after the
building was constructed. That repeater along with another local club
repeater had been located in the hospitals former radio room. The club
repeater was moved to a different location, but the 224.760 repeater was
moved into the new radio room followed shortly by the K8SN 442.175 repeater.
Several years ago the 224.760 repeater was purchased by Sam and became the
K8SN 220 MHz repeater.
The reason that the repeaters had to be removed is due to the helicopter crash
that took place several months ago. In that crash the pilot managed to clip a
webcamera belonging to TV13 (WZZM) with the tail-rotor of the bird, leading to
a fiery crash that caused the necessity of an evacuation of the hospital. During
this evacuation Hospital Communication Volunteers (HOSCOM) used the 442.175 repeater as
a primary means of their communication. The news of this event can be found
on this news blast"
Once again, the hospital is constructing a new radio room, and has offered to us
a place to put the repeaters. Unfortunately that location is far too short to be
able to use the repeater for many of the important things that it has been used
for over the last 15 years including Skywarn, The Riverbank Run and Hoscomm as well
as other various events. The repeaters location in proximity to downtown Grand Rapids
along with it's excellent HT coverage is what made that repeater so useful for such
events. The new location that was offered will not allow the type of coverage that
we need to deal with those situations. While we would like to go there temporarily
the hospitals offer did not include things like paying for new feedline, and the
money to get the repeaters operating there and then pay for it all again when a
better location is available is just not in the budget.
Rest assured that we have a backup plan available to get the 442.175 repeater back
on the air at another location, but this would still not give us the coverage that
we truly need. We are currently seeking other possibilities at this time and will
welcome any offers that will allow us to return this repeater to the air and once
again provide the services that it has provided for many years.
This special announcement is brought to you by the Food and Drink
provisionment committee of WMPORN.
Opening in the WMPORN Grand Rapids District on April 27th 2009 will
be a new eatery that finds high favor among many of the WMPORN members,
though there are a few holdouts who refuse to admit they love the place.
Begining Monday April 27th at 6:00 am EDT, Sonics (located just South of
54th Street on Clyde Park Ave.) will be available for WMPORN social
gatherings. We encourage all of our memebers to join in and welcome our
new hosts to West Michigan.
I finally received confirmation that we have fleamarket spaces at Dayton.
WMPORN will be setting up in spaces 2531, 2532 and 2533 where once again
we plan to have a limited amount of our famous WMPORN hats available for
sale. New this year we have made plans to bring along the WMPORN stripers.
The strippers are sharp and cheap and should provide many hours of amusement
and entertainment in the fleamarket this year. Don't forget to bring your
singles along.
We are of course still working on the plan to bring the K8SN repeater back
on the air bigger and better than ever, and are waiting for construction to be
finished at the new tower site.
VHF RX Lives
The VHF module module has been returned to the air as of 17:00 07/29/08.
ICOM reports that the VCO voltage on the RX module was operating at
near the limits and this was the reason the module would stop working.
Of course my immediate and still unanswered question, is why did it
suddenly change. Well, we are all aware by now that the AC went out
at the Moline site, but the temperature there never got outside of
the claimed specifications for the repeater. This leads me to believe
that inspector 109 was not doing a very good job on the day that our
VHF module was built. Hopefully we will not have any additional problems
with it. If you think that for some reason the module is not hearing you,
keep in mind that sometimes it is caused by something trying to come
through from one of the gateways or other users, especially with the
new connections that just started from the Japanese. Be patient with
them. They are working somewhat in the blind, and a few of them do
not understand that we are trying to hold a conversation on the repeater.
Unlike the US gateways, for them to hear you, you must use what we call
gateway push.
Gateway pushing is done by placing the callsign of the foreign repeater
with the module behind a slash "/". You can NOT one touch the Japenese
stations, and you can not callsign route them. You can only do a
push to their gateway using something like "/JP1YIQA" in the yourcall
field. This is the only way that you can talk to them. If you hear them
coming through from one of the reflectors do not try to talk back to
them as they will never hear you. If you hear them through a reflector
they are "pushing" their transmission to a gateway that is connected to
the reflector.
The Japanese are still trying to learn about all the things that we have
going over hear in the US and so far only a few countries have been able
to join in with us completely, like Canada, Australia, Italy and Germany.
Part of the problem is that the Japanese have their own trust server and
their own entire network setup just like we do here in the US. Trying to
join these two networks together is a nightmare to say the least, but finally
the Japanses people who are producing DSTAR are seeing why a whole lot of
networking professionals have been complaining about the way some things
are being done. Just like anything else, this technology is still new and
will take some time to become the every day normal.
For now the UHF module is working normally. I will at times link it to
the reflector. For those of you that have UHF capability now is a good time
to use that band. For those of you that only have 2m capability we are
sorry for the inconveniance, we will have it operational as soon as possible.
DSTAR Forum at IRA Hamfest
The IRA Hamfest is now over, along with the DStar forum that WMPORN
members presented. We had several comments as to the content being
helpful, and we hope everyone who attended has a better understanding
of DStar. Our only regret is that we did not have more time scheduled
as there was much excitement about subject.
The hamfest was a good time and we are happy to announce that John Imeson, N8IJ
won the 91AD portable radio that WMPORN provided as a prize for the hamfest. If
you are reading this and are a part of a hamfest in the Michigan area and are
interested in having a DSTar presentation please contact John, Sam, Mike or Dan
about the details.
I do have some pictures from the forums and hamfest of WMPORN people, but I need
to do a little work on them and get them ready for the website. The link will appear
when I get them on the website.
G2 is up and running with all the bells and whistles possible at this
time. If you hear a voice saying "user connected" this means that someone
has connected to the repeater using a DVDongle, say hello and chat for
awhile. In order to talk to DVDongle users or users on other repeaters you
must be registered on the DStar system. If you are not registered on another
gateway you will need to register. The link to the registration page can
be found at the
Gateway II announcement page or by clicking on the G2 Registration link
in the menu on the left side of this page.
After some adjustments to the transmitter combiner, the UHF module that
is now on 442.550 can be heard once again. The UHF deck is now on a
coordinated frequency and this should be it's home permanantly.
Ok, well the website didn't move, but we have moved the UHF module to a new
frequency of 442.550+ (input on 447.550). This has many advantages for us.
First off this is a full coordination, and is not a provisional DStar coordination,
meaning that it meets all the current criteria so that as long as we are operational
on this frequency we are within reason protected. Another advantage is that we will
be able to improve the RX capabilities of the repeater as this is much closer to
one of Sam's remote RX frequencies and we will be able to share the same multicoupler
port through our recently installed bandpass filter.
At this time I have to make a plea to everyone. Please, please, please take a
look at the DStar Quickstart guide in green letters in the left hand column.
It seems that many people are making some mistakes probably brought on by old
habits. When entering your callsign into the MyCall on your radio this is not a
place for vanity personalizations! This is to be your callsign and only your
callsign. No slashes, no numbers, no dits no dahs, only your callsign. Many
people have assumed that they had to put an SSID on their callsign just like
packet, not true. There is a method of doing that, but it is a letter and one
letter only and it belongs in the eighth position of the MyCall no matter how
long or short your callsign may be. Save the other personalizations for the
message text, that is where they belong. MyCall is not for tactical callsigns,
when you do this, technically you are falsely identifying your transmitter.
To preserve our habit of doing so, we generally identify via voice just as we
always have, but the legal ID for D-Star is the MyCall. We're all still learning
here, but this is one pitfall that we can avoid.
If you see someone's call come accross incorrectly I would encourage you to
help them to understand this. Be nice, (especially if you are using the WMPORN
repeater) because some of us old codgers are harder to train than others. It is
important to remember that we are connected to a very large network and things that
seem small can get out of hand rapidly.
You may also want to take a look at The DStar Users
website where you can see alot of information about DStar users all over the
world. The list there can be sorted by using the small buttons at the top of the
list. By clicking the button to the right of "Reporting Node" you will find that
WX8GRR comes right to the top of the list, and the button to the left of that
will sort in alphabetical order and put us at the very bottom of the list. Of course
that will only be true as long as nobody with a call starting in X, Y, or Z puts
a DStar repeater on to the network.
We have started working toward getting the Gateway 2 software and have already
purchased the computer hardware to build up the new gateway without taking the
current one down until we are ready to change it out. Right now there is no time
estimate as to when this will happen as there are alot of pieces that have to fall
in place that are in other peoples hands before the new network is fully functional.
I will update this website with more information as it becomes available.
We are also looking forward to at least one if not two more D-Star repeaters
to be put on the air this summer, along with the completion of the WMPORN repeater
that has now been dubbed the Porn-Star repeater, by activating both the 1.2GHz Digital
voice and Digital Data modules.
My latest toy arrived earlier this week. I have obtained one of the
first DVDongles produced. The DVDongle is a codec module that attaches to
a computer through the USB port and with Robin Cutshaw's (AA4RC) software
allows me to create audio files that can be sent out through the D-Star
repeater. It also allows me to connect from an Internet connected computer
to a D-Star repeater and use a headset connected to the sound card to
talk on the repeater. This is a great breakthrough and works better than
any echo-link connection I have ever tried. Currently the DVDongle is
only available from Ham Radio Outlet (specifically the Atlanta, GA store).
Things have been going fairly well and Icom just announced the availability
of G2 (gateway 2) software. This software is much improved over the previous
version that was designed more around the rules for amateurs in Japan than it
was for hams in the US. The new software will offer a much easier way to add
users to the network and most importantly it will allow mistakes to be cleared
much easier. The G2 software will also allow linking of repeaters so that multiple
repeaters can be connected together similar to the way that IRLP works, I
suspect things will be much "cleaner" than IRLP. We do intend to install the G2
software and be one of the first kids on the block running the new software.
At last the gateway is up and running. The final connection to the trust server
was made on Friday night. Oddly enough I was talking to the Icom DStar support
guy tying up the last few details when my phone battery went dead on me. By the
time I got out to my car to find some power for the phone, the Icom guy was on
the repeater talking to Sam. For more information about talking to users on other
bands or on other DStar repeaters please see the information below about callsign
and routing information. There are several links to information about programming
your radio for use with the gateway. Please take note that to use the gateway feature
you will need to be registered and that information can also be found on the using
the link in the callsign and routing information section below.
One more thing to take note of is that the UHF portion of the repeater will soon be
changing frequencies (depending once again on things like our ability to reach the
tower site). A new frequency coordination was applied for and is in it's final stages.
At this time we anticipate the new frequency will be 442.550/447.550. This will move
us away from the passband edge of the DCI filter improving performace. We are also
considering a small amplifier for UHF to offset the losses that we see through the
transmit combiner.
Some new pictures of the repeater along with some additional information have
been posted, just click on N8EOD above to see it all.
Michigan weather or not, we keep on plugging along. I made all possible
attempts to talk to the DStar controller remotely to tell it to use the
new gateway, but it just wouldn't work. So, today I drove to the tower
site... or at least to the end of the driveway where I grabbed my laptop
out of my car and started walking the 1/4 mile uphill to the repeater site.
Winded and sweating like a pig in 20 degree temperatures I pulled out my
laptop, stabbed a network cable into the repeater controller and couldn't
remember the password. Fortunately we have internet access at the repeater
site and I was able to retrive information about the default password that
we thankfully had not changed. Two minutes later I was walking out, and though
it might make my story sound more stressfull walking out was not uphill.
A call or two later in the day and a little bit of testing, and (wait for it...
wait for it...) Our DStar gateway is NOW CERTIFIED!!. Friday January 4th I (n8wkm)
made the first contact through the gateway with wd5erd in Dallas Texas. This of course
was the test server, but it worked flawlessly the first time. For those who are not
familiar with the DStar gateway system, this is another first for WMPORN. Thanks to
the software design everyone has been using old Fedora Core Linux distributions for
their gateways, but we wanted something modern, so slowly but surely I managed to work
with the software and make everything work on Slackware 12, the latest distro from
Slackware. The most remarkable thing is that the test worked on the first try.
Now we are just waiting for an invitation from the K5TIT group that operates the
primary ICOM Trust server and we will be operating in style.
Once again it's WMPORN vs Michigan Weather... things are moving along
nicely with the gateway, but as usual we have hit another snag. The issues
that many expected because I chose to use Slackware as the distribution of
Linux to create the gateway. Other than a few small battles, there were no
real problems getting the software into the machine and getting it to run.
All of the add-ons are in place and are all ready to go, now we just have
one more small problem. When we set the repeater up originally it did not
have a gateway to work with, so we inadverantly did not check the box in
the programming software labled "use gateway". While that may seem like a
small problem, it means that somehow I have to get my laptop back up to
the WMPORN tower site to make that change. Until then we are on hold once
again. The weather guy is claiming warmer weather ahead, but that might just
mean more ice on the driveway, I guess we will wait it out and see. In the
meantime we are showing up on the DStar users webpage and once I get the
controller setup changed we can get our certification.
Well, we had a small break in the weather and it allowed us access to the repeater
site so that we could make some of our continuing improvements to the D-Star repeater.
We were able to install the new DCI filter that allowed us to place the receiver
antenna for UHF on to the top stick on the tower. The DCI filter was needed because
the existing multicoupler was designed in two segments from 450Mhz to 460Mhz and
from 460Mhz to 470Mhz pretty much making our needs in the 444Mhz range impossible
to use. The antenna however is a wideband antenna and will work for us. By using a
T on the feedline with tuned feedlines to the existing multicoupler and the other
to the amateur radio stuff we created our own multicouple port with a passband of
440Mhz to 449Mhz. This allows us to expand our receive needs by providing
a power divider and pre-amp. Currently there are only two things on our side, the
D-Star UHF repeater and Sam's South remote receive for the K8SN repeater. With limited
time and resources available late that night the D-Star system does not have a
pre-amp installed at this time but the coverage has greatly improved. I drove to
Holland last night from home, and coverage was fairly good. I think we can improve
it though, but that is what we always do, improve things.
Our next tough project will be to get the 8 pole DCI filter that was purchased to the
hill and get that set into place. This filter is part of our redesign on the Multicoupler
that is going to allow us to use the wideband UHF antenna near the top of the tower for
the D-Star UHF receiver. The design work is finished and all we need to do is to get the
filter up the hill and get it mounted. Of course we think that once that is done, all will
be great, but you can wait right here for the news to see if that is the case or if we
have to jump through hoops once again in order to get things the way we want them.
This news just in!! The replacement router is in place and operating. Bruce Sommer
N8ODV got home a bit earlier than anticipated for the Christmas Holidays. He is an
Over The Road (OTR) Truck Driver and got home a bit early for Christmas. What significance
is this to WMPORN you ask? Well, Bruce is a good friend and happens to drive around
in a Jeep Grand Cherokee when he is not driving the Frieghtliner, and he also is a
night owl much like myself. If you have been reading along here you would already see
the writing on the wall, or in the snow.. or whatever. Bruce packed me, a router,
some tools and wires into his Jeep and drove it up that nasty hill and deposited
me within 20 feet of the tower. The Cisco 4000 router that I grabbed to replace the
failed 2600 is now in place. Dealing with the D-Star stuff is a first class pain
though. For those that don't know me, I am a network and network services administrator.
I find the poor practices that are currently used by the D-Star gateway network to be
a real pain in the keister. I have to keep reminding myself that the software that is
currently being use is in fact made by the Japanese Amateur Radio Relay League (JARRL)
and was set up to follow the laws in Japan governing both ham radio and the use of
the internet. That said, I continue to plug away.
The filters that we needed to complete the UHF system and get it operating
at full potential has arrived. Now the concern is being able to get up the
driveway to the tower site. This particular site is very trecherous during
the winter months, and we hover like NASA over the Space Shuttle waiting for
our window to launch. The night that I took the new rack and D-Star gateway computer
up to the site I lost the engine in my van, partially due to that hill, partially
due to the fact the van was old and tired. Unfortunately other things did not go
well that night either. The Cisco router that I was intending to use for our
network malfunctioned leaving us with just one functional port, unfortunately
routers do not work well with only one port. Needless to say that with the weather
we have been having the Grand Rapids area I have not yet been able (or willing) to
try to go back up that hill. When the owner leaves his Jeep Grand Cherokee at the
bottom of the hill and walks up, I don't figure I have a prayer of getting up
that hill and going past his house with my car.